A School Board is a legally formed body that, in partnership with the Principal, is given powers to set and monitor the key directions of a school. It is the major governing body of the school and oversees the school’s performance. This means taking part in the shaping and monitoring of the school’s objectives, priorities and general policy directions. In addition, other functions are specified in the legislation.
The Board does not have a role in the school management. This is the responsibility of the Principal and involves educational leadership and the effective day-to-day administration, supervision and control of the school and its staff.
Meetings are held twice per term. Board members may be in office for a three year term but can be reinstated for a further term upon nomination.
Neerigen Brook Primary School Board Members 2020
Mr Luke George – Chair of the Board
Mrs Lesley Barrett – Principal
Mr Chris Cahill – School Representative
Mrs Louise Archibald – School Representative
Mrs Joanne Richardson – P&C President / Community Member
Mr Nadeem Khan – Community Member
Mr Mark Harrington – Community Member
Luke George — Chair of School Board
Profile of Chris Cahill – School Representative
Chris Cahill is a Senior Leader who joined Neerigen Brook Primary School in 2013. Currently working in the Junior Primary area, Chris leads the Year Three and Four teachers utilising his skills in leadership, curriculum planning and addressing operational outcomes. He has extensive experience in Early Childhood, working in Pre-Primary for four years and Year 1 before accepting a Deputy Principal position in 2018. Chris successfully led the implementation of AVID schoolwide resulting in Neerigen Brook Primary School being awarded the highest AVID Certification Level of Schoolwide Site of Distinction. He was awarded a further commendation of being an exemplary example to all AVID Coordinators.
Utilising his enthusiasm and passion for early childhood, Chris is currently leading the implementation of a play-based pedagogy in the Early Childhood area as well as facilitating best practice as outlined in the National Quality Standards. Part of this role is to liaise with the Early Childhood Department and network with Principals within our local area. Chris joined the School Board to develop his awareness of and build on his experience working as part of the Executive Team, to support parents, students and teachers and to contribute to effective change to uphold the vision of the school.
Profile of Louise Archibald – School Representative
Louise is passionate about the Focus 2020 statement “support learners to make the best start with access to high quality, evidence-based learning opportunities in the early years and provide every student with a pathway to a successful future”.
In 2020, Louise Archibald joined the Neerigen Brook Team. She is a senior leader who is leading the ECE Team. Louise is a highly accomplished and recognised five-year trained educator. In 2018, she completed a Master of Education Specialisation in Leading Education.
Louise joined the school board to be more involved within the school community. She is highly motivated and a dedicated Early Childhood Educator who thrives on engaging students and families into the school community.
Profile of Joanne Richardson — P&C President/Community Member
Jo Richardson is a mum of two children. Her daughter has attended Neerigen Brook Primary School since 2015 when she commenced Kindy. Jo is a qualified Education Assistant & Swimming Instructor who currently works as a Canteen Manager at Kalamunda Primary School.
Jo became a member of the NBPS P&C in June 2018 where she was nominated as President. Jo thoroughly enjoys volunteering her time for the P&C and since becoming President, the P&C has achieved many great things. Jo also volunteers her time at two sporting organisations in which she has been involved for the last 15 years.
Becoming a member of the school board was a new experience for Jo, one which she has welcomed. Jo likes seeing the workings of the school by being involved on the board.
Profile of Nadeem Khan – Community Member
Nadeem is the Regional Manager for the East Metropolitan region with the Department of Communities. He is a public servant with extensive experience in service delivery in both country and metro regions, leading and managing the delivery of Government Housing functions with the aim of ensuring all eligible, have access to a range of affordable and secure housing solutions.
Nadeem’s experience includes membership of multiple public sector committees and leadership groups including being a board member on a joint venture development project, working in partnership with the private sector.
Nadeem has lived in Armadale since 2003 and has four young children – one of whom completed her Kindy at Neerigen Brook PS.
Nadeem is excited to join the NBPS board as a community representative and is looking forward to supporting the principal and school with its vision “Strive to Achieve” to attain the best outcomes for its students.
Profile of Mark Harrington – Community Member
Mark lives in Armadale and has a daughter in kindergarten at Neerigen Brook PS. Mark was on the school board and served as the secretary of the parents and citizens’ group at St Judes, Langford in 2011- 2012. Mark was also previously involved with The Parents and Friends Federation of WA, an advocacy group for mothers and fathers in the state.
Mark has a Juris Doctor and a Masters of Education, is a former secondary science teacher, a former tutor at Curtin University and former instructor at the Foundations Program of the University of Western Australia, and is now a consultant.
“I know each parent is very concerned about the academic development of his or her child, and my goal on the board is to provide a strong voice for this. I believe it is important for parents to be able to see how their child is making progress against national standards, and for this reason, I’m a supporter of point-in-time assessments such as the NAPLAN. I’m also very keen to support more opportunities for parents to participate, whether that be in social events such as school discos or more academic ways, such as before or after school study groups.”