Dental therapy unit
We have the Dental Therapy Unit on site and they can be contacted on 9399 4601
Opening Hours 8:30am – 4.45pm Monday – Friday by appointment only
All school age children (aged 5 years) up to Year 11 are eligible to attend the Dental Therapy Unit
Head lice/nits

Children with head lice will be excluded from school as per the Health Department policy. It is recommended that all family members are treated.
Please advise the office if your child needs to take medication whilst at school. A medication advice form will need to be completed and a process developed whereby the medication can be taken. Students are not permitted to carry medications with them, with the exception of asthma medication once the appropriate forms have been completed.
Please inform the front office of all medication updates/requirements.
In case of an emergency, parents will be notified immediately. If parents or emergency contacts cannot be contacted, the child will be taken immediately to the hospital at the parents’ expense.