Teaching Quality – Goals, Targets, Strategies


  • Teachers at Neerigen Brook Primary School are professionals in the year levels in which they teach, have high levels of confidence in teaching in those fields and are eager to expand their subject knowledge to improve their teaching practices. 
  • Teachers use a wide repertoire of evidence-based teaching strategies to cater to student needs. 
  • Teachers lead a culture of analysis into practice and measuring and evaluating impact, to critically reflect on results of ongoing efforts to improve teaching practices.
  • Teachers utilise a reflection-for-action approach to pedagogy. 


These targets will be measured annually by Staff, the Executive Leadership Team and the School Board using evidence to identify if the targets are ‘being met’ or ‘working towards’.

  • Team meetings emphasise the joint analysis of student work and reflection on teaching strategies for improving student learning. 
  • Staff regularly share and showcase examples of best practice.
  • Teachers collaboratively plan, deliver and review the effectiveness of lessons.
  • Digital technology is embedded into the Plan, Teach, Assess cycles.
  • All staff engage in relevant professional learning and implement CMS Instructional Strategies into their daily practice.
  • Teachers participate in effective collaborative teams that focus on issues which directly impact on student learning.
  • Teachers participate in effective collaborative teams that focus on data, evidence and results to plan for improvements and inform teaching and learning. 
  • Students will see themselves as their own teacher. 
  • Educators will create an environment of trust and openness to embed a reflective practice.
  • Teachers implement the NBPS ICT Scope and Sequence through the model of SAMR.
  • Teachers provide opportunities for students to demonstrate learning outcomes in a variety of ways.

Strategies 2022

  • Teachers use Daily Reviews as part of the Literacy and Numeracy Block.
  • Teachers will create data walls to build self-efficacy in students as a way for students to identify their next learning goal.
  • Teachers will embed a Gradual Release Model into teaching and learning in English and Maths plan, teach, assess cycle.
  • Lessons will include differentiated teaching and learning strategies in response to the specific learning needs of individual all students.
  • Aboriginal cultures and histories will be embedded in teaching and learning programs.
  • All lessons will include WALT (We Are Learning To..), WILF (What I’m Looking For..), TIB (This Is Because..)
  • Teachers will apply their knowledge of Aboriginal histories and cultures in lesson design to meet the needs of their students.
  • All teachers will participate in Professional Learning Communities (PLC) with their year level and meet each week after school for an hour.
  • A broad range of instructional strategies will be utilised each day in lesson design.
  • Teachers will share their planning within their PLC for feedback prior to submitting to the ELT and will store their planning on the shared drive.
  • Teachers will send their forward planning to ELT a minimum of two weeks in advance for feedback.
  • The Pacing Calendars for English and Maths will be used as a framework for planning.
  • Teachers will follow the NBPS Literacy and Numeracy block structure in all lessons.
  • Teachers will use whole school initiatives and programs in their Plan, Teach, Assess cycle.
  • Teachers will apply the National Quality Standards framework to all lessons.
  • Early Childhood teachers will apply the Early Years Learning Framework to all lessons.
  • Teachers will use SCSA materials to inform their Plan, Teach, Assess cycles.
  • The ELT will provide regular feedback to staff about teaching pedagogy through an observation process.
  • Teachers explicitly teach the whole school Reading Strategies and provide opportunities for students to consolidate their skills, knowledge and understandings.
  • Teachers explicitly teach the whole school Mental Maths Strategies and provide opportunities for students to consolidate their skills, knowledge and understandings.
  • Teachers follow the SAMR model when implementing digital technology into lesson design.