- School leaders in collaboration with, and local Aboriginal community members
,will have developed a strong, sustainable education partnership that reflects the expectations and aspirations of Aboriginal students and their families. - Staff and local Aboriginal community members and organisations will work collaboratively in planning meetings and at school activities and events.
- There is a strong collegial culture of mutual trust and support among teachers and school leaders, and parents are treated as partners in the promotion of student learning and wellbeing.
- Community partnerships and networks are fostered by staff and school leaders to enhance student engagement and achievement. NBPS will partners with stakeholders to improve educational outcomes for students.
- NBPS engage the School Board as partners to create purposeful connections and build meaningful relationships with external stakeholders to improve educational opportunities for students.
These targets will be measured annually by Staff, the Executive Leadership Team and the School Board using evidence to identify if the targets are ‘being met’ or ‘working towards’.
- Strengthen parent and community communication utilising a range of media platforms.
Increase regular attendance across all year levels. - Maintain scores of over 4 in National School Opinion Survey for staff, students and community.
- Increase student voice to include feedback about teacher performance, areas for school improvement and the creation of a Student School Board.
- Implement actions from the Reconciliation Action Plan.
- Develop and implement a 3-year-old program on-site for Neerigen Brook families.
- Provide professional learning to staff on the Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework.
- Action the EAL/D Champion School implementation plan.
- Implement actions in the NBPS Wellbeing Policy.
- Provide students with opportunities to engage with community stakeholders.
- Increased parent involvement in student learning.
Strategies 2022
- Actioning the Attendance Policy and adopting a Case Management approach for students with low attendance.
- Provide regular communication to school community about management of behaviour.
- Collab teams will take ownership of different components of the RAP to ensure fidelity in implementation.
- The Child and Parent Centre will facilitate a 3-year-old program at NBPS and build the capacity of parents to take ownership and run the program independently in 2023.
- Staff will engage in Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework professional learning each year.
- Staff will engage in EAL/D e-book 1-8 professional learning.
- Badged Attendance Officers and Executive Leadership Team will make home visits to support family engagement.
- The Principal will sit as a member of Steering Committee for CommuniCare.
- Neerigen Brook Primary School Champion EAL/D School to build partnerships with community stakeholders.
- Increase two-way learning teams of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal staff to improve educational outcomes for Aboriginal and nonaboriginal students.
- Regular D.A.D.S activities and events will be scheduled throughout the year to foster a sense of belonging for father figures in the NBPS community.
- Staff will engage in positive culture professional learning to strengthen the NBPS community.
- Two students each term participate in Brilliant Kids morning tea.
- Two students from each year level will be elected to be on the Student School Board.
- The Breakfast Bowl will be open each day to provide students with breakfast, each day and recess and lunch.
- Students will participate in leadership opportunities such as Leadership Conferences, Compass Expo and visits to secondary schools.
- Communicate with parents using platforms like Class Dojo, Facebook, email, Newsletters, phone calls and face to face meetings (following 1,2,3 process)
- NBPS will support and promote the Safety House program through social media platforms.
- NBPS will schedule community events each term including:
- Sports carnivals and swimming lessons
- NAIDOC Week, Reconciliation Week, and Harmony Day
- End of Year concert and book awards
- Learning Journey
- Parents participate in D.E.A.R in the mornings.
- Elders and Aboriginal community will participate in supporting the Dardy Yorgas and Mooditj Boys.
- NBPS will make a parent handbook available to all families.