Leadership-Goals, Targets, Strategies


  • School leaders prioritise building the capacity of all staff and developing a school-wide, self-reflective culture focused on improving classroom teaching.
  • Leaders make successful student learning the central consideration in all aspects of their leadership.
  • Leaders encourage teams to engage in the systematic investigation of alternative teaching strategies; and the introduction and leading of school-wide initiatives to improve the quality of teaching and learning.
  • Leaders encourage teams to engage in the systematic investigation of alternative teaching strategies; and introducing and leading school-wide initiatives to improve the quality of teaching and learning.
  • Teachers are reflective practitioners who continue to review and improve upon their practice and pedagogy to deliver high performance and high care to students.


These targets will be measured annually by Staff, the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and the School Board using evidence to identify if the targets are ‘being met’ or ‘working towards’.

  • School leaders participate in professional learning activities, alongside teachers.
  • School leaders ensure that opportunities are created for teachers to work together and to learn from each other’s practices, including through online professional communities.
  • School leaders build and sustain a coaching and mentoring culture at all levels in the school.
  • Leaders build and promote staff relationships that are based on high levels of trust and respect.
  • Leaders focus on building their own and colleagues’ skills in collecting, analysing, interpreting and using data.
  • All staff will engage in the Performance Management processes each term to build their capacity.


  • Senior Leaders facilitate Professional Learning Committees (Collabs) each week following the PLC matrix foci.
  • Leaders are identified and provided with mentoring opportunities with Luke George and the Executive Leadership Team.
  • Senior Leaders meet with the ELT each fortnight for professional learning and support.
  • New Graduates meet with the ELT each fortnight for professional learning and support.
  • Experienced teachers are provided with opportunities to mentor Graduate teachers.
  • Teaching staff can opt-in to attend committees like English, Maths, Digital Technology, STEAM, and PBS.
  • Staff will be given opportunities to lead projects and committees in the school.
  • Staff will be given opportunities to be involved in the network and leadership across the South East Metro Network.
  • Student Leaders will be nominated each year and participate in leadership conferences.
  • Leadership opportunities for students such as Library Monitors, Helping Hands, Faction Captains, Student Leaders, the Student School Board will be provided.
  • Parents will be encouraged to lead initiatives in the school community, such as Second Bite.
  • NBPS will follow a distributed leadership model.
  • Performance Management processes will be used to identify and support leadership development across the school.
  • Aboriginal students will be given leadership opportunities, such as., greeting new students and leading community events.
  • NBPS will utilise professional learning within the staff, network and Department of Education to build capacity in identified staff.
  • NBPS staff will participate in leadership opportunities with partner schools to build positive reciprocal relationships.
  • Two-way learning teams (Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal members) will be established to build cultural capacity in staff, students and school community members.
  • Leaders exemplify best practice by modelling the analysis and use of data to monitor progress, set targets and make decisions.